1. Why is Canadian Thanksgiving earlier than American Thanksgiving? Earlier harvest season
  2. Canadian Thanksgiving is a statutory holiday except where? Nova Scotia
  3. What does Quebec call Thanksgiving? Action de grâce
  4. When was Thanksgiving declared a national holiday in Canada? 1879
  5. True or False: Canadian Thanksgiving was initially celebrated in November? True
  6. How many cranberries does B.C. produce each year on average? 37 million kilograms
  7. What other popular event happens during Canadian Thanksgiving? Oktoberfest
  8. On what date was the first official Thanksgiving held in Canada? November 6, 1879
  9. Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving in Canada? Martin Frobisher

10. Before becoming an official holiday, what year was the very first Thanksgiving in Canada celebrated? 1578

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11. How much does the average turkey weigh? 15 pounds

12. What is the original purpose of Thanksgiving Day? Give thanks for the harvest

13. What do the pumpkins cure according to the old wives' tale? Freckles

Field of pumpkins
Photo by Ana Essentiels / Unsplash

14. What is the symbol of nourishment? Cornucopia

15. What is a cornucopia filled with? Fruits and wheat

16. What is the best place in the turkey to put the thermometer? Thigh

17. What is done to the cranberries to check if they are ready to be harvested? They are bounced

18. What is the name of the harvest goddess? Demeter

19. Which is the first country that made Thanksgiving a national holiday? Canada

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