1. Would you rather have Spock’s logic with zero emotions or The Joker’s chaotic energy with no filter
2. Would you rather be able to Pause time for 10 seconds every hour or Rewind time by 10 minutes once per day
3. Would you rather Take a year-long trip around the world with unlimited budget or Get to instantly teleport anywhere but only once a year
4. Would you rather Get rid of zoom forever or Get rid of email forever
5. Would you rather live in a world where Every decision is made by a dice roll or Every email you send has a 50% chance of being posted publicly
6. Would you rather Sleep in and work late or Rise early and finish work early
7. Who is most likely to one day end up living on a boat?
8. Would you rather be stuck in the world of The Matrix or Lord of the Rings
9. Would you rather Commute two hours to your dream job or Live two minutes from a decent job
10. Who’s most likely to have a strong opinion about whether AI will destroy us or save us?

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11. It's only a matter of time until this person goes viral... who is it?
12. Who will one day star in a movie with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson?
13. Would you rather have to Work in total silence or With nonstop background noise
14. Who’s most likely to have an existential crisis about AI, space, or time travel?
15. Would you rather Have an office where you can wear pyjamas to work or Work in a really fancy office
16. Who is most likely to sign up for a trip to Mars?
17. Who is most likely to move to another country?
18. Who has got the best poker face?
19. Who is most likely to win a gold medal at the Olympics?
20. Who is most likely to live the longest?

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21. Who is most likely to become a billionaire?
22. Who can you see running for President?
23. Who’s most likely to answer an email at 2 AM for no reason?
24. Who has the worst poker face?
25. Who has the best chance at winning America's Got Talent?
26. Who could star in a sitcom?
27. Who is most likely to open up a McDonalds franchise?
28. Who would be the first to try the latest hairstyle trend?
29. Who’s most likely to think of a sci-fi movie and immediately try to figure out if the tech is possible?
30. Who’s most likely to come to a meeting with a fully color-coded spreadsheet?

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31. Who has the best chance at winning Jeopardy?
32. Would you rather Have the best coffee in the world at your office or Have the best snacks in the world at your office
33. Would you rather Have a 3-day weekend but work more hours or Have a 2-day weekend but work less hours
34. Would you rather Be stuck in back-to-back Zoom calls all day or Have to give a surprise presentation with no prep
35. Who is most likely to go skydiving?
36. Would you rather have Fingers that glow like glow sticks or Hair that changes color based on your mood
37. Who’s most likely to adopt a random stray animal they find?
38. Would you rather Speak every language fluently or Play every instrument perfectly
39. Would you rather Take all your vacation time at once during a year or Take all your vacation days separately throughout the year
40. Who will be the earliest to retire?

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41. Would you rather Work an extra hour but get an hour of break time or Work with no breaks but leave an hour earlier
42. Who is most likely to win a Nobel Prize?
43. Would you rather Be your manager for the day or Be the CEO for the day
44. Who is most likely to win a Grammy?
45. Would you rather Get pizza everyday or Get a special catered lunch every Monday
46. Would you rather have Infinite knowledge but never be able to explain anything or Be able to convince anyone of anything, even if you’re wrong
47. Would you rather Digital Calendar or Manual Calendar
48. Would you rather Work the same job in a big city or Work the same job in a small town
49. Who would be the first to die during a Zombie apocalypse?
50. Would you rather Do something you love and just make enough money to get by or Do something you hate but make a lot of money

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