1. Who adopted Padmé Amidala's daughter? Bail Organa
2. Who first and most famously played the part of Chewbacca? Peter Mayhew
3. Which actor is the only one who's appeared in every single Star Wars Episode movie to date? Anthony Daniels
4. What happened to Anakin Skywalker during the battle with Count Dooku? He lost his right arm
5. According to the Emperor, what was Luke Skywalker's weakness? His faith in his friends
6. What kind of vehicle did Rey live in? AT-AT
7. What species was Yoda? Unknown
8. What name does Obi-Wan go by on Tatooine? Ben
9. What were Padmé's last words? "Obi-Wan... there... is good in him. I know there is."
10. What species is Chewbacca? Wookie

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11. What did Jar Jar Binks end up owing Qui-Gon Jinn after being rescued by the same during the invasion of Naboo? An honor debt
12. Who freed Princess Leia from her chains at Jabba's palace? R2-D2
13. What was the job that Finn told Han Solo he had at Starkiller base? Sanitation
14. Which stormtrooper wasn't able to complete his mission in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens?". FN-2187
15. How old was Anakin Skywalker during the battle on Genosis? 20
16. Where did the Clone Wars begin? Geonosis
17. According to Master Yoda, how many Sith are always out there? 2
18. What did Owen Lars tell Luke Skywalker about his father? He was a navigator on a spice freighter
19. What is the color of C-3PO's arm in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Red
20. What did Luke Skywalker lose in his fight with Darth Vader? His right hand

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