1. What is the shortest day of the year called? Winter Solstice
  2. What phobia is an extreme fear of the snow? Chionophobia
  3. “Winter Is Coming” is the motto of which family in "Game of Thrones"? House Stark
  4. The first Winter Olympics was held in which country? France
  5. In which city would you visit The Winter Palace? Saint Petersburg
  6. Which is the coldest city in the world? Yakutsk, Russia
  7. What is it called when animals sleep during the winter? Hibernation
  8. On which other planet have scientists observed snow falling? Mars
  9. Which is NOT an official month of winter? November, January, or February
  10. Snowflakes usually have how many sides? 6
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11. What is a chinook? A type of winter wind

12. What fruit is called the Winter Banana? Apple

13. Which winter sport is also known as “the Roaring Game”? Curling

14. How big was the largest snowflake ever spotted? 15 inches

15. How many people were involved in the largest snowball fight ever? 7,681

16. In which country were the Ugg boots invented? Australia

17. The Earth is closer to the sun during winter. False

18. Which winter sport is Tonya Harding known for? Figure Skating

19. What zodiac sign runs between November 22 to December 21? Sagittarius

20. Where does the Winter Festival of Lights take place? Canada

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