1. Would you rather Eat pie with Pythagoras or Eat pie with Euclid
2. Would you rather Eat a pizza-sized pie or Eat a pie-sized pizza
3. Would you rather Make a pie for Gordon Ramsay or Calculate Pi in front of Archimedes of Syracuse
4. Would you rather Order 3 pie's on 2 separate checks or Order 3 pie's on the same check but split the cost with a friend
5. Would you rather Earn $3.14 for every 3.14 pies you can eat or Earn $3.14 for every digit of Pi you can recite
6. Would you rather Eat apple pie or Eat chicken pot pie
7. Would you rather Get a pie thrown at your face or Throw a pie at your mother
8. Would you rather Have a mathematical constant/theorem named after you but not discover it or Be responsible for discovering a new mathematical constant/theorem
9. Would you rather Discover the Pi constant or Discover the Pythagoras Theorem
10. Would you rather Only eat pie on Pi day or Eat pie every day
10 Pi Day Would You Rather Questions!
Happy Pi Day! 10 Fun Pi Day Would You Rather Questions for math and pie lovers alike! 1. Would you rather Eat pie with Pythagoras or Eat pie with Euclid 2. Would you rather Eat a pizza-sized pie or Eat a pie-sized pizza...