1. Meaningful cards. One of the best ways to tell someone how much you appreciate them is to... well, tell them! This is a simple idea perfect for a tight-knit team. Draw on your relationship with your employees to craft individualized cards. For example, do you have an employee who likes to golf? You could write, "Jessica, thank you for all the hard work you have put into our projects this year. I hope you get a chance to relax on the green soon, you deserve it!"

Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

2.  A sweet treat. Nothing warms the heart quite like a piece of cake. Or a donut. Or a sundae bar. Or all three. Breaking bread together is a unifying experience, and you should be present to socialize and share in that experience. Edible gifts also minimize the awkwardness of having to decide what to do with yet another engraved paperweight. Ordering treats for your employees is also a good chance to support a local business near you. Pro tip: do your research in advance and make sure that you have all of your employees' dietary needs covered so that everyone feels seen.

Delicious Donuts
Photo by Kobby Mendez / Unsplash
Play Employee Appreciation Party: Pick Who, Whould You Rather, and more!

Play Employee Appreciation Party: Pick Who, Whould You Rather, and more!

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3. An afternoon off. While it may not be possible for everyone to have the same afternoon off, treating your employees to a free afternoon is an excellent way to show appreciation. It acknowledges that your employees have been working hard and provides them with the opportunity to engage in whatever they consider to be self-care. Giving your employees a chance to rest with unstructured time outside of the office shows you care about their wellbeing and are committed to helping them continue to work hard.

Pick Nick at the park
Photo by Vianney CAHEN / Unsplash

4. A team-building experience. On this Employee Appreciation Day, take a field trip! Not only can a fun experience build positive memories and encourage communication, but it also has the potential to introduce employees who don't usually work together so that they can forge new friendships. A work adventure and new friends? Count us in!

Pro tip: Take the time to observe the energy and culture of your team. You don't want to book everyone in for zip lining if they would prefer a quiet restaurant reservation.

Photo by Joseph Pearson / Unsplash

5. CrowdParty! Treat your employees to some joy this Employee Appreciation Day. Here at CrowdParty, we have a variety of game topics and styles to choose from so there is something for every team. The best thing about CrowdParty? The games are designed to spark conversations and laughter so you'll be closer than ever!

Did we mention? Our new Featured Room Employee Appreciation Party is designed to build team appreciation in a hilarious way!

Play Employee Appreciation Party: Pick Who, Whould You Rather, and more!

Play Employee Appreciation Party: Pick Who, Whould You Rather, and more!

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Pro tip: let your employees choose the games you play and make sure to get in there and play with them!

💚 Happy Employee Appreciation Day!  Show your team some love with our ideas!