1. Would you rather Team up with Groot or Team up with Rocket
2. Would you rather Have a suit designed by Tony Stark or Have a suit designed by Shuri
3. Would you rather Live in Asgard or Live in Wakanda
4. Would you rather Fight Dark Elves or Fight Frost Giants
5. Would you rather Become tiny Ant-Man or Become giant Ant-Man
6. Would you rather Be an Avenger or Be a Guardian of the Galaxy
7. Would you rather Fight Captain America or Fight Iron Man
8. Would you rather Wield Stormbreaker or Wield Mjolnir
9. Would you rather Have Ego be your dad or Have Thanos be your dad
10. Would you rather Have Falcon’s Suit or Have Winter Soldier’s Arm

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Play Marvel Party: Trivia, Would You Rather, and more!

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11. Would you rather Have a superpower or Have a lot of money
12. Would you rather Survive the snap or Be restored after the snap
13. Would you rather Be a Hero or Be a Villain
14. Would you rather Be as rich as Tony Stark or Be as smart as Bruce Banner
15. Would you rather Have Loki as a brother or Have Nebula as a sister

Play Marvel Party: Trivia, Would You Rather, and more!

Play Marvel Party: Trivia, Would You Rather, and more!

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