1. When did World War I begin? 1914
  2. Who invented the printing press? Johannes Gutenberg
  3. The Cold War was a conflict between what two major nations? USA and Soviet Union
  4. Which historical figure is NOT on Mount Rushmore? George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Theodore Roosevelt
  5. For the equation 3x+7=16, what is the value of x? 3
  6. What is the powerhouse of the cell? Mitochondria
  7. An animal that eats ONLY meat is called what? Carnivore
  8. Which is the largest continent in the world? Asia
  9. Which is the smallest planet in the solar system? Mercury
  10. A ______ mirror is a diverging mirror in which the reflective surface bulges towards the light source. Convex
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11. What year did the Titanic sink? 1912

12. How many protons are in a water molecule? 10

13. Which body system helps to prevent illness? Immune system

14. How many bones are in the adult human body? 206

15. Which colour stars are the hottest? Blue

16. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of _____. Plants

17. Where do most earthquakes occur? Plate boundaries

18. What connects muscle to bones? Tendons

19. Who wrote "Pride and Prejudice"? Jane Austen

20. Who watches over the people in the book "1984"? Big Brother

21. The Suez Canal connects which bodies of water? Mediterranean and Red

22. What is the world's largest desert? Sahara Desert

23. What is the equation y=mx+b called? Slope-intercept

24. What year did the French Revolution start? 1789

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25. You find the area of a circle by multiplying pi and: Radius squared

26. What is the syllable structure of a haiku? 5, 7, 5

27. Who developed the Theory of Relativity? Albert Einstein

28. Who is the "Father of Medicine"? Hippocrates

29. Which king does Macbeth murder in "Macbeth"? King Duncan

30. Who is Jay Gatsby’s love interest in "The Great Gatsby"? Daisy Buchanan

31. Margaret Thatcher was prime minister of what country? United Kingdom

32. Which culture developed cuneiform, one of the earliest forms of writing? Sumerians

33. What is a triangle with no equal sides called? Scalene

34. How many confirmed elements can you find on the periodic table? 118

35. On the periodic table, what does K stand for? Potassium

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