1. What animal has the longest neck? Giraffe
2. What type of octopus has large, ear-like fins on its mantle? Dumbo Octopus
3. What is the smallest species of armadillo? Pink fairy armadillo
4. Which animal has the longest tongue relative to its body size? Chameleon
5. What is the smallest species of mammal in the world? Bumblebee bat
6. What monkey has the biggest nose? Proboscis Monkey
7. Which animal is known for its ability to use tools? Sea otter
8. What type of sea slug sports brilliant colors and patterns? Nudibranch
9. What animal uses its middle finger to tap on trees in search of insects? Aye-aye
10. What is the largest species of shark in the world? Whale shark

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11. What is the largest land animal? African Elephant
12. Which plant is native to the island of St. Helena and is critically endangered? Jamestown bellflower
13. What small primate has eyes larger than their brain? Tarsier
14. Which animal has the most powerful bite of any living creature? Nile crocodile
15. What is the name of the nocturnal, flightless parrot? Kakapo
16. How many species of animals are estimated to be on Earth? Millions
17. Which animal has the longest lifespan in the wild? Tortoise
18. What is the name of the world's happiest animal? Quokka
19. Which animal has the largest wingspan? Albatross
20. What is the tallest bird in the world? Ostrich

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21. What is the fastest land animal in the world? Cheetah
22. What is the largest species of freshwater fish? Arapaima
23. What tiny invertebrates can survive extreme environments? Tardigrade
24. Which animal can extend its tongue to up to 30 centimeters? Aardvark
25. Which plant is often used in traditional medicine to relieve sunburn? Aloe vera
26. What is the largest species of penguin? Emperor penguin
27. What is the fastest marine animal in the world? Sailfish
28. What is the largest species of bear in the world? Polar bear
29. What tiny mammal is closely related to elephants? Elephant shrew
30. What fresh-water salamander can regenerate parts of the body? Axolotl
31. What fish has a funny name and a mean temperament? Sarcastic Fringehead
32. Which cactus species found in Mexico is critically endangered and has red spines? Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus
33. Which animal is named after the sound that makes them alarmed? Dik-dik
34. Which international organization celebrates World Wildlife Day? United Nations
35. Which plant is known as the 'Corpse Flower' due to its foul smell? Amorphophallus titanum
36. Which species is referred to as the 'unicorn of the sea'? Narwhal

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