1. What was Instagram’s original name? Burbn
2. What electronics company is known for its Galaxy smartphones? Samsung
3. What was Facebook's original name? The Facebook
4. What inspired the idea for Uber? Cab issues in Paris
5. What fast-food chain is known for its golden arches? McDonald's
6. What online marketplace was founded by Pierre Omidyar? eBay
7. What was Twitter’s original name? Twttr
8. What did Google’s first server use for its casing? Lego bricks
9. Which dating app was created in a hackathon? Tinder
10. What luxury fashion brand features a double 'C' logo? Chanel

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11. What tech company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin? Google
12. What shoe company uses a swoosh logo? Nike
13. Which company created the first commercially successful video game console? Magnavox Odyssey
14. What was YouTube originally meant to be? Video dating website
15. What did Airbnb start as? Renting out air mattresses
16. Which company was originally developed as an internal communication tool for a gaming company? Slack
17. What was Amazon originally founded as? Online bookstore
18. What popular search engine was launched in 1998? Google
19. What social media platform was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004? Facebook
20. What famous toy company was founded in 1932 in Denmark? LEGO

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21. What coffee shop chain started in Seattle in 1971? Starbucks
22. What was Nike’s original name? Blue Ribbon
23. What popular streaming service started as a DVD rental service? Netflix
24. What was eBay’s first product sold? Broken laser pointer
25. Which company is known for its 'Just Do It' slogan? Nike
26. What company started as security software? PayPal
27. What was Snapchat originally called? Picaboo
28. Which streaming music service was founded by Daniel Ek? Spotify
29. Which online payment system was founded by Elon Musk? PayPal
30. Which fast-food chain has the slogan 'Have it your way'? Burger King

31. Which company is known for its electric vehicles and spaceships? Tesla

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