1. Would you rather Enter a pumpkin pie eating contest or Enter a pecan pie eating contest
2. Would you rather Skip the appetizer or Skip the Dessert
3. Would you rather Eat an entire pumpkin or Eat an entire turkey
4. Would you rather Travel back in time and eat Thanksgiving with your ancestors or Travel into the future and eat Thanksgiving with your great-great grandchildren
5. Would you rather Eat amazing food, but with terrible company or Eat terrible food, but be with your favourite people
6. Would you rather Do all your Christmas shopping on Black Friday or Do all your Christmas shopping on Cyber Monday
7. Would you rather Drink a turkey smoothie or Eat turkey every day for a  year
8. Would you rather Decorate the entire house or Cook the entire meal
9. Would you rather Spend Thanksgiving in your pyjamas or Spend Thanksgiving in a tuxedo/ballgown
10. Would you rather Be thankful for your mistakes or Be thankful for your achievements

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11. Would you rather Watch back-to-back football the entire Thanksgiving weekend or Never watch football on Thanksgiving again
12. Would you rather Trip over on live TV whilst taking part in Macy's Thanksgiving parade or Fumble one yard from the touchline whilst playing against the Giants
13. Would you rather Burn the pumpkin pie or Forget the sugar in the pumpkin pie
14. Would you rather Drink a pumpkin spice latte or Drink a gingerbread latte
15. Would you rather Play football for an NFL team or Be a referee for an NFL game
16. Would you rather Invite a co-worker to your Thanksgiving dinner or Eat Thanksgiving dinner with a co-worker's family
17. Would you rather Be on a diet all year, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas day or Be on a diet only for Thanksgiving and Christmas day
18. Would you rather Not shower for one week after Thanksgiving or Not brush your teeth for one week before Thanksgiving
19. Would you rather Be a dancer at a Thanksgiving parade or Be responsible for one of the large balloons at a Thanksgiving parade
20. Would you rather Celebrate Thanksgiving twice a year or Celebrate Halloween twice a year

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21. Would you rather Eat Thanksgiving dinner at home or Eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant
22. Would you rather Lead a Thanksgiving Parade or Play for your favourite NFL team
23. Would you rather Serve yourself or Be served
24. Would you rather Go to work dressed as a pilgrim or Go to work dressed as a turkey
25. Would you rather Win the wishbone but not know whether you wish will come true or Lose the wishbone but know that the other persons wish will come true
26. Would you rather Be the host or Be the guest
27. Would you rather Spend Thanksgiving weekend without football or Spend Thanksgiving weekend without shopping
28. Would you rather Hiccup every time you eat a bite or Burp every time you have a drink
29. Would you rather Spend Thanksgiving at Buckingham Palace or Spend Thanksgiving at The White House
30. Would you rather Eat dinner with your entire family or Eat dinner with just one family member

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Play Thanksgiving Party!

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31. Would you rather Eat in the dark or Eat with no cutlery
32. Would you rather Be the first to finish eating or Be the last to finish eating
33. Would you rather Queue for 5 hours for 80% off a new laptop or Queue for 1 hour for 25% off a new laptop
34. Would you rather Lumpy mash potato or Dry turkey
35. Would you rather Write down 100 things you're grateful for or Spend two hours listening to family members say what they're grateful for
36. Would you rather Drink a glass of cranberry sauce or Drink a glass of gravy
37. Would you rather Be the guest that smashed a glass whilst washing up or Be the guest that dropped cranberry sauce on the floor whilst serving
38. Would you rather Grow your own pumpkins or Grow your own turkeys
39. Would you rather Be a turkey with human thoughts or Be a human with turkey thoughts