1. Are all breast cancers life-threatening? No
2. The pink ribbon, an international symbol for breast cancer awareness, was first introduced in which decade? 1990s
3. Most breast cancers are not inherited. True
4. What is the common method to screen for breast cancer? Mammogram
5. In which decade was mammography introduced as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer detection? 1960s
6. Is it possible for men to get breast cancer? Yes
7. Breast cancer sometimes appears as a lump in the breast? True
8. What percentage of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer? Approximately 70%
9. Who was the first American First Lady to openly discuss her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment? Betty Ford
10. Which of these factors does not increase breast cancer risk? Antiperspirant use

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11. What is the most common type of breast cancer? Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
12. Radiation therapy can be a treatment for breast cancer? True
13. Does breastfeeding reduce the risk of breast cancer? Yes
14. Can underwire bras cause breast cancer? No
15. Breast cancer affects men as well. True or False? True
16. Can a benign breast lump increase your risk of breast cancer? In some cases
17. Does having a first child after 30 increase the risk of breast cancer? Yes
18. What age group is most affected by breast cancer? 40-50
19. Which ancient civilization left behind medical texts describing cases that are likely to be breast cancer? Ancient Egypt
20. Does family history affect breast cancer risk? Yes

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21. Does a lump in your breast mean you have breast cancer? Not necessarily
22. Can smoking increase the risk of breast cancer? Yes
23. At what age is the first mammograms typically recommended? 40
24. Who is credited with developing the radical mastectomy procedure for treating breast cancer in the late 19th century? Dr. William Halsted
25. Does a mastectomy completely eliminate the chance of getting breast cancer? No
26. Regular exercise can reduce risk of breast cancer? True
27. Which novel drug, approved in 1998, became the first targeted therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer? Herceptin (Trastuzumab)
28. When is Breast Cancer Awareness month? October
29. Breast cancer cannot spread before it can be seen on imaging. True or False? False
30. How often is a breast self-exam recommended? Once a month

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31. Mammograms can help detect breast cancer before it causes symptoms. True or False? True
32. Can radiation from cell phones cause breast cancer? No
33. Are all lumps found in the breast cancerous? No
34. Does the risk of getting breast cancer increase with age? Yes
35. Can hormone replacement therapy increase the risk of breast cancer? Yes
36. Is breast cancer genetic? In some cases
37. "Mastectomy" is a surgery to remove a breast? True
38. Does reducing alcohol reduce the risk of breast cancer? Yes

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