1. What labor organization helped establish Labour Day? The American Federation of Labor
2. Labour Day is often seen as the unofficial end of what season in the USA? Summer
3. Which organization promotes May Day as Labour Day? International Workers' Movement
4. Who is often associated with the labour movement? Samuel Gompers
5. Which famous labour event occurred in Haymarket Square, Chicago? Haymarket affair
6. Which U.S state was the first to make Labour Day an official holiday? Oregon
7. What does Labour Day commemorate? Workers' rights and achievements
8. In which city was the first Labour Day parade held? New York City
9. Approximately how many countries celebrate Labour Day? 160
10. What colors are commonly associated with Labour Day? Red and white

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11. Which U.S. president made Labour Day a federal holiday? Grover Cleveland
12. What is a common tradition for Labour Day weekend? Barbecues
13. What is Labour Day referred to as in other countries? International Workers' Day
14. In the UK, what holiday closely resembles Labour Day? May Day
15. When is Labour Day celebrated in the US and Canada? First Monday in September
16. What year was the first Labour Day in the USA? 1894
17. What economic activity is often boosted by Labour Day? Retail shopping
18. Which organization is known for advocating workers' rights? Unions
19. Labour Day originated in which country? Canada
20. Besides the US & Canada, what day is Labour Day typically celebrated on? May 1st

21. About when did labour unions start in Canada? 1800s

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