1. What is the most common pet bird? Parakeet
2. Which pet is known for its ability to purr? Cat
3. What pet is known for spinning webs? Spider
4. What is the name of celebrity Selena Gomez's furry friend? Daisy
5. What is the smallest breed of pet cat? Singapura
6. Which pet animal is commonly associated with chasing its tail? Dog
7. What is the fiery name of celebrity Kendall Jenner's furry friend? Pyro
8. Which pet animal is known for its long ears? Rabbit
9. Who is the celebrity that adopted the miniature schnauzer Noon Coleman? Zendaya
10. When is National Pet Day celebrated? April 11

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11. What pet animal is often associated with the phrase 'man's best friend'? Dog
12. What is the name of actor Chris Evan's furry friend? Dodger
13. Paris Hilton named one of her dogs which name? Prince
14. Which animal is the most popular pet to have? Dog
15. Which celebrity has over 10 pets - including the dogs Normie and Bambi? Kylie Jenner

16. What is the world's smallest breed of pet dog? Chihuahua
17. What pet animal is known for its independent nature? Cat
18. What is the most common pet reptile? Bearded Dragon
19. What pet is often associated with good luck? Goldfish
20. What pet animal is known for its ability to mimic human speech? Parrot
21. Who is the actress that adopted the chihuahua mix Diana? Priyanka Chopra Jonas
22. What is the name of actress Alia Bhatt's furry friend? Edward

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